Where is my data stored?
For law firms, your clients’ information is your responsibility. Therefore, when clients’ information is outsourced to an IT firm, the number one question every law firm should ask the IT firm is: “Where is my data stored?” If it is in New Zealand, that’s great. Your data security will be governed and protected by our […]
The Smart way to send your files
We have all been there, close to throwing our cup of coffee across the room in sheer frustration while attempting to share large files under a tight timeline, only to have the email message bounce back. If you find yourself working with large files on a regular basis chances are you have experienced this exasperation, […]
I wouldn’t plug that USB in if I were you!

By Nick Phillips, Operations Manager You’re leaving work and see a USB drive someone’s dropped in the elevator. It looks like the same one you have at home that you bought form JB-HiFi. Do you A. plug it in to track down the owner (or out of curiosity), B. hand it in as a lost […]
Where your data is stored could impact your clients’ privacy

This year Resolve exhibited at the LawTechNZ conference. We spoke to nearly every decision maker there that didn’t yet have their data in the cloud. Their main concerns with the cloud were security and hidden costs, but the other that should be top of mind when making a decision about the cloud is “where is […]
Our national response to cyber-crime is top-heavy

Cyber-crime continues to become more complex and prevalent, so the New Zealand government and a small number (two) of non-profit organisations have responded with various policies, initiatives and advice. Largely the government organisations and initiatives are focused on keeping our government agencies and infrastructure safe from threats and breaches, which keeps us safe, and the […]
Data destruction in 32 seconds – my 6 top tips for data backup

Backing up your data is one of the most important things you can do every single day in your business. If you know your backups are being carried out properly then this blog post isn’t for you. But if you’re not sure how your backups are managed, or if they work, then imagine for minute […]
Crypto-Locker: What to expect

There are two types of businesses, those that have been a victim of a cyber-attack and those that will be – it’s difficult to escape. It is largely due to cyber-criminals finding new ways to by-pass mail filters, which increases the chance of getting their malicious email in front of you. They’re also getting much […]
Lawyers’ concerns with the cloud justified but not barriers – LawTechNZ, a different perspective.

Last month Simon and I attended the LawTechNZ conference organised by e-Discovery. LawTechNZ is a platform to educate, showcase and encourage greater adoption of technology by lawyers and their firms. We attended as exhibitors, so instead of the usual summary on the sessions, which you can find here, we thought to provide an overview from […]
Why am I still getting spam? – An insight into spam filters
Throughout the world over 54 million spam emails are sent every day ranging from dream job offers through to emails from your bank asking you to update your details. We’re so much more aware of it now that our not so friendly spammers are going to even greater, and sometimes humorous, lengths to catch you […]
Industry must work together to slow the tidal wave of SPAM [media release]
![Industry must work together to slow the tidal wave of SPAM [media release] Industry must work together to slow the tidal wave of SPAM [media release]](https://www.resolvetechnology.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/social-media-862117_1280-150x150.jpg)
The “hush-hush” attitude of professional services firms and their IT providers when they experience a data security breach is adding force to the tidal wave of cyber-attacks continuing to devastate New Zealand businesses. Wellington based IT firm Resolve managing director Simon Falconer said industry groups being hit with SPAM need to work together, alongside their […]